Emily Thompson 0:02
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Kathleen Shannon 1:11
Hey guys, Kathleen here and I just wanted to pop in on this minisode to say that you probably already get why self care is important. So I think we've all heard the flight attendant tell us to put on our own mask first before helping someone else. And when I was a kid, this totally insulted me. I actually accused my mom and Southwest Airlines of not loving me enough until my mom finally explained to me that she was supposed to have her own mask on first. So that she didn't pass out from the lack of oxygen while putting my mask on and smothering me with the weight of her body and killing the both of us. So I totally get it now. And I think that we've been using this put your own mask on first cliche to talk about why self care is important. But I think that it is doing all of us a disservice. Because here's the deal. How many times have you actually had to use the oxygen mask on a plane. I myself have flown hundreds of times and I've never once had to use the oxygen mask, which knock on wood. So whenever I think about taking care of myself in life being like putting on my own oxygen mask on first, I just think to myself, Oh, that oxygen mask, it's never actually necessary. So therefore self care isn't really necessary. See my point. So I guess if we want to continue with this plane self care metaphor, let's think of it more like this. Instead of putting your oxygen mask on first. How about you just put on your deodorant first. And make sure that you have a good book to read. That way you're happy and the people around you are happy. But here's the deal. Wearing deodorant is something that you probably do daily. And the same should be said for taking care of yourself. Whether that's doing some yoga, meditating, hitting the gym, going to bed early, cooking yourself a healthy meal, like do something every day that will make you happy and nourished. It will make you a better friend, a better boss, and a more pleasant passenger on the plane of life. And that's that.
Emily Thompson 3:28
Hi, guys, Emily here. I'm excited to follow up with Kathleen on towards about self care. So as Kathleen said, you know that self care is important. Obviously, that's why we're here. And taking care of your number one employee is crucial if you want to grow a healthy business, but what does that actually look like? As someone who has always admired Kathleen for being able to live the gym rat life and fitness being what you hear most about when it comes to self care, it's important to point out that that's not the only way to take care of yourself. Before I get into the nuts and bolts of it. I want to point out that I believe that self care is a practice. It's something you have to start small with and do over and over again until you get good at it. If you're one of those people that has a hard time putting yourself first, then one don't feel guilty. And to start small. Because you can start small and easy. And maybe you'll find yourself living the gym rat life one day without even realizing it's happening. I know I've always personally Wish I could be one of those fitness obsessed people, but I'm not. But doing what I'm doing. Who knows. Maybe I'll find myself there one day. At the moment. I'm a hardcore yoga girl. But I did start very, very small. The most basic form of self care, I believe comes in the form of making sure that you get enough sleep at night. If you're needing to work self care into your life from the bottom, sleep is as good enough place to start as any. I know you know that sleep is important. So I'm not going to get into all of that. But do it. Start there. When taking care of yourself and putting yourself first make sure you get a full night of good sleep. One of my personal favorite ways to focus on myself is simply to allow myself to enjoy alone time. For example, I love it. When David has a night out with friends, I usually do it up real big, and I pour myself a glass of wine or I fix myself a cocktail. And I like crawl up in bed and prop all the pillows up, turn on the laptop, they will watch some Hulu or just read a good book. And I allow myself to thoroughly enjoy some downtime in which I can turn off my brain, not engage in conversation, and just be alone with my thoughts or turn them off altogether. If you need to begin working physical activity into your self care routine, and do you do, you don't have to commit to a gym membership right off the bat. Work your way up at your own speed. And my favorite way to get started and I do this, David does this anyway. And I remember watching my grandmother do this whenever whenever I was a kid is to simply lay down in your bedroom floor and stretch every night before bed. Make it easy, but feel how good it is to move your body especially if you live a sedentary lifestyle or your computer. I do I'm sitting at my computer all the time. And stretching at night is one way that I have kept myself in a computer chair comfortably for the past five years, then listen to your body. Because I'm pretty sure it will begin telling you to add more to this practice. And it will feel so much less like a chore than it ever has before. Regardless of how you begin, just know that the purpose of self care is simply to take some time to put your own needs before everyone else is to give yourself downtime, time to think and time to move your body. A friend and colleague of mine Amanda from Lexi content, a really adorable copywriting team in Atlanta recently posted on social media about how she's reached a moment in her life where self care is important to her because she is ready to begin fighting for her life, ready to invest now in herself so that she can be prepared for the long term. That's powerful. Because it's true. Self Care is an investment in yourself because you're going to be stuck with this body and this brain for hopefully a very long time. It's best to make sure it's up to the task of the big things that you're dreaming of accomplishing in real life.
Kathleen Shannon 8:13
This minisode was brought to you by 2020. Check them out at twenty20.com/beingboss. That's t w e n t y 20 as in the number.com slash being boss.
Emily Thompson 8:27
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