Episode 268

Rituals for Creativity with Alana Fairchild

September 28, 2021

Maybe you’re someone who has found your creative voice by following the nudges on your spiritual journey. Since art and spirituality go so closely hand-in-hand, what can be learned from combining the two in a profitable business? In this episode, artist, writer, and oracle deck creator Alana Fairchild joins us to discuss how she navigates a thriving, healing, spiritually-centered business in today’s world. Alana and Emily talk about their rituals for creativity, overcoming business setbacks, how to tap into your creativity for personal evolution, and the power of becoming more receptive energetically and financially.

Alana Fairchild
Episode Transcript
"Gathering creative inspiration is about receptivity and curiosity."
- Alana Fairchild

Discussed in this Episode

  • Alana’s journey into entrepreneurship and how she balances the creative, the spiritual, and business
  • Why business methods can be such a challenge for spiritual creatives, and how to create new methods that work
  • The difference between gathering inspiration and knowing when to bring ideas through with your art
  • Creative routines that can prepare you to get into the flow
  • What is a ritual and how can creatives use rituals to enhance their business?
  • How to respond to social pushback regarding your spiritual business practices and selling what you do
  • The importance of financial and energetic receivership for spiritual business owners

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In this episode, the Taking Action Tarot Spread worksheet was mentioned. Download your copy here!

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Resources Mentioned