Episode 331

Making Imperfect Decisions with Erica Courdae & Tasha L. Harrison

December 6, 2022

Understanding what your values are and how to align with them as often as possible in your life and work is an essential part of being boss. But what happens when an opportunity to grow or make a large impact means not being in complete alignment with your values? Erica Courdae and Tasha L. Harrison join Emily in this episode to discuss how you can still show up, make change, and be boss even when you must make imperfect decisions and compromise on total values alignment to move forward.

Episode Transcript
"As long as I try to remain myself as much as possible, am I selling myself out or am I selling myself short by not taking advantage of an opportunity?"
- Tasha L. Harrison

Discussed in this Episode

  • Being imperfect when trying to be your best self
  • Navigating situations that are not values-aligned
  • Using your values to decide what clients to work for
  • How the Being Boss book process went against Emily’s own values
  • Working to make values-aligned changes in misaligned spaces

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In this episode, the Find Your Values worksheet was mentioned. Download your copy here!

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Resources Mentioned