Boss Beats: Music for Long Walks

When Kathleen posted that Being Boss was looking for contributors to the site I immediately thought I should make a playlist. Blogging isn’t really my jam. I love good blogs, I appreciate good writing, I occasionally produce good writing, but it’s not my go-to format.
This implies that I have a “go-to format,” which I don’t. Like any good millennial I dabble, however the area I dabble in the most is music. I have zero musical talent. I can’t sing to save my life. My parents were forced into music lessons as children and hated them. Therefore, they did not force a single musical instrument on my brother or me. We are just big music fans, which is a great prerequisite to being a deejay. It’s a great medium to share our fandom.
A quick note on this playlist: I was trying to think of a theme—I love a good theme—and some months moving forward will have a solid theme. This one doesn’t. It has been a crazy start to the year, and my counter to crazy is long walks and loud music.
So I made the list I needed to walk to.
You don’t have to walk to it. You can work to it, dance to it, cook to it, drive to it, even put it on shuffle! You’re the boss.
Happy listening,