I am Being Boss because I Believe in Myself

When I was a little girl, my mom preached at me that I could do whatever I wanted. I’m sure that contributed hugely to my strong will and faith in myself, or maybe I’m just enough of a rebel to stick it to anyone who sees a life for me that I don’t see for myself.
As a blonde, people believed that I was stupid.
As a girl, people believed that I was weak.
As a lower middle class-ette, people believed that I wouldn’t amount to much.
As a southerner, people believed that their traditions were for me.
Not everyone, but enough that I said, “Fuck that, I’ll show you what I can do.” And I did it.
When I was 18, I owned a brick and mortar store.
When I was 21, I had my daughter and started my first handmade business.
When I was 23, I finished my degree and decided not to pursue that career. Instead, I started my own business as a web designer.
When I was 27, I earned my first six-figure year. (I likely never would have done that with my degree.)
Now that I’m 30, I’m the coolest 30-year old that I know. I have 2 booming businesses, a little family unit that’s strong, happy, and supportive, a network of new and life-long friends that do cool things, I work whatever hours I want doing work that I love, and I make my own damn rules. Every day.
I define my version of success and am free to pursue it as I please.
How? Because I believed that I could.
Apart from having someone early in my life telling me I can do whatever I want and a rebellious nature that pushed me to prove every naysayer wrong, I’ve proved it to myself, over and over again. And as a girl with a background in science, you show me proof and I’m in.
I can do hard things. I can build whatever life I want. I can do it. You can, too.
It doesn’t matter what others believe for you, it only matters what you believe for yourself.
In an effort to break down how I cultivate the boss feeling within myself, I’ve pulled out a few tenets that resonate with what I believe makes me boss:
I believe that I can do anything that I put my mind to.
I trust that when something goes wrong, I’ll figure it out.
I refuse to surround myself with people who bring me down.
I understand that the unsureness, the ebbs and flows, and occasional insecurity is just part of the process.
And I’ve learned to enjoy the process because the process is my life. I won’t reach my end goal until I’m on my deathbed. And at that point, I want to have no regrets. I want to have lived a life that I love.
No regrets. Happiness. Joy. Fulfillment. These are within my reach because I say they are, and I’ve built a life based on the belief that I can do it if I work for it.
#IamBeingBoss because I believe in myself.