I chronically suffer from FOMO, aka the Fear of Missing Out. So with that, I’m apt to say “yes” to every opportunity that comes my way—from conferences to coffee chats. From webinars to worksheets. I also say “yes” to a lot of opt-ins and am quick to hit “follow” on every social media channel I’m engaged in. So with that, I have a lot of information coming my way, demanding my attention every single day.

And with all that content coming my way, I not only learn a lot of helpful things for my life and business, I’m also exposed to everyone else’s highlight reel. Intellectually, I KNOW that what we see in newsletters and on Instagram isn’t the whole story, but it’s easy to feel like you’re never enough when you accidentally fall into the comparison trap.

I recently learned that what I thought was a mindset or confidence issue was actually a consumption problem.

And that’s when I learned the power of the unsubscribe button.

Everything got a little quieter. I was able to focus on what I wanted to make rather than trying to keep up with everyone else. Determining what I really needed to level-up in work and life was so much easier when I wasn’t constantly being sold stuff I didn’t need. I stopped feeling like there weren’t enough hours in the day and started getting intentional about what’s next. Best of all, I no longer felt like I needed copious amounts of plastic surgery to keep up with the Kardashians who somehow overtook my Instagram feed.

Are you ready to unsubscribe?

  • When you come across a post, photo, or feed that doesn’t give you joy or make you think: unsubscribe
  • If you never click-through to see what’s on the other side: unsubscribe
  • If you always “mark as read” without even opening: unsubscribe
  • If you feel jealous, anxious, or guilty: unsubscribe

Listen, you get to choose the people you surround yourself with along with the content you consume.

If it’s not lifting you up, it’s not worthy enough to be in your orbit.


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Kathleen is the co-host of Being Boss Podcast, helping creative entrepreneurs learn how to run their own creative business while being their most authentic selves. She also co-owns Braid Creative, a business visioning & branding agency for people- and purpose-driven businesses.