The Dinero Edition
Money (that's what I want)
Money (That’s What I Want)
Dinero. Dough. Cash. Dead Presidents. Call it whatever you want, but money is still money, and it surrounds us. It doesn’t always feel that way, does it?
Sometimes money can feel more like the best friend who’s ridiculously hard to get a hold of. When they’re available, and around, it’s AWESOME. You two can do anything! When they’re nowhere to be found, it feels like something is missing – big time.
Don’t sweat it. Despite what your subconscious tells you, our best friend Money is always with us. We just need to put in the work every day (or should we say every hour?) to get us in the right mindset to receive and nurture money in our lives.
To be clear, no one is saying we can all sit on our meditation cushions and wait for the money to fall in our laps from the heavens above. Yes, we know mindset is where it starts, but that’s not all that’s required. As Em might say, we gotta “do the work, bosses!” That means earning more, saving more, investing more, and giving more. The problem is, doing all of the above takes quite a bit of effort, energy, grit, and know-how. That’s why we’re feeling a little giddy about this week’s collection focused on money.
It’s one of our most favorite topics evah, and it’s constantly evolving and changing just like us. So without further delay, we invite you to dive into this week’s links chock-full of money-themed content.
Right On The Money, Honey
Keep that pipeline of leads going and you’ll worry a lot less about those rainy days. (podcast)
Looking for somewhere new to list your services? Check out these B2C niche marketplaces. (article)
Diversifying revenue streams is where it’s at. So if you’re thinking about a digital course, have a listen to this one. (podcast)
Budgeting might not feel sexy until you’re rolling naked in the dough — so get to it! (article)
Help for your small business is there for the taking. You just have to know where to look. (article)
Is cashflow a feminist issue? You’re damn right it is. This one’s an eye-opener. (article)
If you’re leveling up your business, you gotta build up those reserves. Here’s how. (article)
Can I get a discount? Uhhhh no. Actually make that a HELL NO but here’s how to handle a client who just can’t bring themselves to accept your initial proposal. (article)
You down with PPP? Yeah you know me — but only if we’re talking PPP loan forgiveness! (article)
Unless your partner provides insurance, it’s always a thing for entrepreneurs in the US, so why not read up on the topic? (article)
Mind On My Money and My Money On My Mind
Money shame, be gone! We’re done with you. (podcast)
Struggling to build good habits? Try focusing on the one habit that will give you the most bang for your buck. Stop quitting on yourself! How to stick with what you start long-term. (video)
What’s Fresh? (Or Should We Say What’s Fresco?)
It’s LatinX Heritage Month, so we’re glad to see Google backing its diversity statements with some cold, hard cash. (article)
The Good Woo For You
We’re all about this idea of growing your business by raising your soul frequency. Check it. (podcast)
Let’s trade the mundane for magical, shall we? The Gathering, our woo-centered virtual event is in 1 week. Join in with our whole brood of bosses gather ‘round to explore rituals for business and creativity, featuring expert panels, a live podcast recording, and more.
At Being Boss
The mother of modern oracle decks (that’s what we’re calling her), Alana Fairchild, joined Emily on this week’s episode to share her story of putting creativity first as a career artist and cultivating a creative process for finding your flow.
Upcoming events. We’ve got a lot of good stuff up our sleeves.
Monday Meet-Up
October 4 at 2pm ET (every Monday)
Being Boss Community (open to all members)
Gathering: Rituals for Business + Creativity
Oct. 6 + 7
Being Boss Community (for Clubhouse members only)
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