A Season of Self-Care

Slow Down. Seriously, You're Moving Too Fast

Slow Down. Seriously, You’re Moving Too Fast

In fact, we’re all moving too damn fast. It’s like somehow knowing there are only three months left in the year makes us feel like we have to get it all done before Dec. 31st. But before you hit the panic button, might we suggest you hit the slow down button instead?

When we slow down, we can think clearer, breathe deeper, be more creative, more loving, more generous, more powerful *and* more magical. Here’s what else we love: when you’re going slow, you can feel the seasons change. More importantly, you can feel something shifting inside of you. It’s called embracing and living with the seasons, and it’s awesome.

But none of this can happen if we’re running ourselves ragged. We get caught up in everything we have to do and forget about everything we should do — like take care of ourselves. Self-care isn’t just a buzzword wrapped up in expensive spa days. We can set up simple, meaningful routines and rituals that take care of ourselves without spending a dime.

We’re kicking off Q4 by talking about rituals, routines, and more in the Being Boss Community, so we’re dedicating this week’s collection to the many ways we can care for ourselves. No pressure, no guilt – just ideas we hope will help, because we know how hard you’re working and how much you deserve some TLC.

So go ahead, grab a cozy beverage, take a deep breath and take a slow scroll through this week’s self-care resources.

High-Fives and High Vibes All Around

You already know how to treat yo self, but how do you love yourself more? It’s as easy as giving a high-five. (video + article)

If you’re feeling stressed and burned out, this one’s for you. (article)

Anxiety can strike out of nowhere. Dealing with anxiety is never easy but here are four things that might help.  (article)

Put that texting habit to good use with “24 Supportive Texts To Send Someone Struggling With Burnout.” (article)

Not enough hours in the day? We feel ya, but as it turns out having more time isn’t always a magic fix. Who knew!? (article)

Next time you’re having a shitty day, go splash some cold water on your face. It just might make you feel better! (article)

Asshole client got you down? Here’s how to ditch the Sunday blues when you have a tough work week ahead. (article)

You prayed and meditated on it, and then… nada, zip, zilch. Did your spirit guides really say no or was that your fear talking instead? (article)

Are your chakras blocked? Take this 2-minute quiz to find out (article) 

Making the Most of Q4

If you’re feeling scared of your money, read this one to flip the script. (article)

Magic in the making: The 4 pillars of great Google Ads content. (article)

Job satisfaction boils down to about three things: people, values, and a sense of accomplishment. (article)

No more winging it, boss. Own your worth and double your income. (article)

What’s Fresh?

Yikes! Mail delays and price hikes are coming to USPSHere’s why. (article) 

The Good Woo For You

Let’s trade the mundane for magical, shall we? The Gathering, our woo-centered virtual event begins this afternoon! Join in as a whole brood of bosses gather ‘round to explore rituals for business and creativity, featuring expert panels, a live podcast recording, and more.

At Being Boss

Crystals are a hot topic these days, and it’s about time! In this episode, Emily and Pamela discuss how to start manifesting with crystals, which crystals help with manifestation in business, and they each share stories of their powerful experiences with crystals and stones.

Boss in the wild. Emily recently guested on How She Creates podcast to talk all things creative process and mindset. (podcast)

Upcoming events. We’ve got a lot of good stuff up our sleeves.

Gathering: Rituals for Business + Creativity
Oct. 6 + 7
Being Boss Community (for Clubhouse members only)
Join the private group >>

Monday Meet-Up
October 11 at 2pm ET (every Monday)
Being Boss Community (open to all members)

Designer Meet-Up
October 11 at 3:30pm ET
Being Boss Community (for Clubhouse members only)

New Member Orientation
October 13 at 5pm ET
Being Boss Community (open to all members)

Virtual Co-Working
October 14 at 4pm ET
Being Boss Community (open to all members)

Want to join in? Learn more about the Community + Clubhouse.