This week on Being Boss we’ve talked a lot about journaling. Emily shared her bullet journal techniques and it inspired me to try it out too, so today I want to walk you through my bullet journal and how I’m learning to use it along the way.

Topics discussed in this periscope:

  • Starting with a mind-map brain dump of priorities
  • Determining what to track in a bullet journal
  • Tracking daily priorities in a bullet journal
  • Weekly bullet journal layout
  • Separating or blending personal and professional things in a bullet journal
  • Bullet journal vs. calendar/planner
  • Using a bullet journal to uncover planners in your life
  • Being an active participant in designing and mapping our your life
  • Setting intentions or mantras
  • Learning how to track patterns and habits without judgement


'I'm a better mood knowing that I'm actually accountable for my mood.' Share on X 'My bullet journal is a blend of personal and professional.' Share on X 'Bullet journaling made me realize that I can design my life in a way that I see fit.' Share on X 'Being an active, physical participant in how you're mapping out your life is huge.' Share on X

featured download

In this episode, the Bullet Journal worksheet was mentioned. Download your copy here!

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Resources mentioned in this Periscope:

Kathleen is the co-host of Being Boss Podcast, helping creative entrepreneurs learn how to run their own creative business while being their most authentic selves. She also co-owns Braid Creative, a business visioning & branding agency for people- and purpose-driven businesses.