Funny Girls Are Boss

Earlier this week, I was feeling a bit down. So I decided to do more of what makes me happy. And I’ve decided I’m happiest when I’m having a pee-my-pants-I’m-laughing-so-hard conversation with friends. But my friends, just like me, are busy with their own jobs, families, and lives. So when I can’t get together with them (“in real life” or over Skype), I rely on the second best thing: professional comediennes.
I thought I would share some of my favorite funny girls who always help me get out of my head when I’m in a funk.
Anna Faris – You might recognize her from her role in Scream. Anna Faris has a podcast called Unqualified where she brings on funny guests and gives unqualified—thus the name—advice to guests with relationship issues. I especially liked the episode with Aubrey Plaza, another funny gal who actually worked with Anna’s husband Chris Pratt on Parks & Rec.
Amy Schumer – I can’t believe it took me so long to finally get on board with Inside Amy Schumer, but the first few seasons had me doubled-over in laughter.
Jenny Slate – I first became familiar with Jenny Slate for her role as Jean-Ralphio’s sister on Parks & Rec (Amy Poehler, a funny boss herself, clearly knows what’s what when it comes to who’s funny). But she inspired me on a “I wish I was more like that on the daily” level when I listened to her being interviewed by Pete Holmes on his podcast. She’s chill, funny, and creative – I want to be friends with her.
Broad City – It took me a bit to get into this show—probably because the characters are a bit unreliable to my own life phase, but Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer crack my shit up.
P.S. We’re interviewing one of my funniest friends, illustrator and author, Becky Simpson, on the podcast this week—listen here. Her new book The Roommate Book has me LOLing f’reals.