How To Set Healthy Boundaries In Your Business

One of the most appealing things about being your own boss is the idea of freedom. Freedom to work when and how you want. Freedom from the rules of others. And in theory, that all sounds, well, freeing. But if you fail to follow rules or set boundaries in your business you’ll end up unfocused and undisciplined. And you’ll very likely lack a clear vision for what you want or how you are going to get it without hitting burnout. 

Here’s the good news. That freedom does exist. But it requires you to make your own rules in the form of defining boundaries. Successful business owners have set healthy boundaries in their lives and business. These boundaries help them decide where best to put their time, energy, and money.

Are you feeling friction in your day-to-day life? Does your work life balance feel like a struggle? If you find yourself feeling scattered and spread thin, it’s time to create boundaries.

Here are a few more signs you might need to set boundaries:

  • Your calendar is packed with meetings.
  • You have no free time for family, friends, hobbies, or self-care.
  • Skipping a meal is a normal occurrence.
  • You find yourself quick-tempered or irritable with others.
  • Clients are texting or calling you outside of business hours.

What Are Boundaries?

A boundary is a limit you set between yourself and other people or things. Boundaries exist to protect what you value most. Setting healthy boundaries will help you to make decisions about how and when you work. They help you determine what you say “yes” to and what you say “no” to. Boundaries give you structure. Allowing you to direct your energy where it’s most needed. You’ll create your best work when you can stay focused on the tasks, people, and opportunities that matter.

Why Setting Boundaries Feels Hard

When you set a boundary you are essentially saying “no” to someone or something. And for a lot of us, saying no to anyone but ourselves is uncomfortable. One common reason for this is being afraid of hurting other people’s feelings or coming across as rude. You could also be afraid of the perceived consequences. If you set a boundary with a client, will they fire you? Being afraid of what others think of you or losing control of your self-image could be another reason you feel resistance to defining boundaries.

If setting boundaries feels uncomfortable, try thinking about it this way. Every time you say “yes” to something you don’t really want to do (or even something you do want to do!), you are also saying “no” to something else. Your boundaries help you say “yes” to the things you have chosen to prioritize.

Examples Of Healthy Boundaries From Other Entrepreneurs

When you have boundaries, you’ll feel like you’ve got it together. You’ll be in control of your calendar. You won’t have your focus hijacked constantly. And you’ll prioritize yourself, making sure you’ve got the energy to accomplish your goals. When your boundaries are defined by you and no one else, you’ll find true freedom. And to show you that boundaries can be as unique as each creative entrepreneur, we asked members of the Being Boss Clubhouse to share examples of boundaries that they have found essential in their businesses. 

Creating Physical Boundaries

The physical work space boundary has always been a big one for me, even before I called it a boundary. Early on when I started my business, I moved back and forth between a dedicated space in my house and multipurpose space based on what was available at any given time. I found for both business and life how detrimental mixing the two was. 

Once I first moved into a studio space outside of my house, I experienced how much that improved home and work life respectively, even more. When I am at my studio, I am only working, when I am home, I am only home. And it really benefits both.

Having moved back into a home studio again, at the start of the pandemic, I have been proactive about strong boundaries between physical work and life space because of that past experience.

Kiona Elliott // Lucky Accessories

Setting Boundaries With Clients

I set boundaries with clients often about deadlines. This stops projects from being endlessly pushed because they are busy or don’t feel ready with fraudy feelings, keeping us both engaged on the project to see it through quickly. This helps with momentum and accountability, making the project more fun and exciting. 

I include this in my contracts, and onboarding packet, but have reminders set in ClickUp as well. I have had to enforce it before, and having that information to refer back to is helpful in keeping things positive and productive. 

Emma Peacock // Honey Pot Digital

Establishing Working Hours

A key boundary for me to be self-employed was around my workday. Treating the day like an office job means that I start the day with a shower and fresh clothes – no answering emails in my pjs! I stop to have lunch, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. I also end the day like I would in an office. I save all of my work, quit any apps and walk away from my computer by 5 or 6 pm.

Working for yourself doesn’t mean you’re only your work. Giving your day boundaries lets you save space for your brain to relax, unwind and be more creative. I like to think of my day in three 8-hour chunks. Eight for sleep, eight for work and eight to enjoy myself with hobbies, family and fun.  

Heather Walpole // Ewe Ewe Yarns

Allowing for a Shift in Focus

Working from home with little kiddos is where I find boundaries super vital. I do my very best only to work when I’m not the primary caregiver on duty. I have two kids (5 & 2), and when they are home & awake, trying to work only makes me angry, resentful, and overwhelmed. Not a good feeling! Sometimes that means working a little later, but it’s far better than being frustrated with little ones whose job is not to let me work but to play, explore, and be loved.  

Erika Neumayer Ehrat // Rare Dirndl

How To Create Boundaries Worksheet

If you haven’t revisited your boundaries in a while or you’re feeling some friction around a particular area of your business or life, make time to reflect on your boundaries.

To help you find clarity around establishing boundaries that support your values and what’s most important to you, check out this helpful worksheet.


Download Now: Boundary Setting Worksheet


When setting boundaries, think about what goals, projects, intentions, and relationships you want to cultivate. Remember, boundaries are the lines we draw to protect what’s important. They can also contain the things we want to grow. Having a clear boundary not only helps you focus your energy and efforts but it will help keep anything that drains you at bay. 

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Corinne Preston is the Content Production Manager at Being Boss. With a background as a graphic designer and creative director, she is driven by a passion to learn, explore, and make.