3 Reasons Why it’s Cool to Have a Day Job

When Emily and I started Being Boss we thought it would be a great podcast for creative entrepreneurs who work for themselves and needed to feel like they weren’t alone. But what we’ve found is that a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs who are side-hustling to grow their creative career listen to our podcast. Or that creatives who are totally content in their day job but listen to our podcast because they understand that Being Boss is more about a state of mind than a job title.
Being Boss is more about a state of mind than a job title. Share on XI will never tell a creative to quit their day job. In fact, there are lots of things about being your own boss that are SO less glamorous than working a day job. So today I wanted to talk about why it’s totally cool to have a day job for those of you who are feeling less than because you’re not your own boss yet:
Learn your craft on someone else’s dime
I like to think of working a day job as being paid to learn how to do business. I would not be where I am today without the agency experience I gained while working a day job.
I like to think of working a day job as being paid to learn how to do business. Share on XMake professional contacts and build a reputation
I am still friends and comrades with so many of my former co-workers, and that has opened the door to client referrals and creative collaborations since working for myself.
Side-hustle ONLY what you want to be known for
When you work for yourself it’s easy to say YES! to any project that pays. One great thing about having a day job is the financial security that allows you to be selective about taking on ONLY work you want to be known for in your side-hustle.
Be a boss at your day job. I think so many born-to-be bosses hate working a day job because they feel like an order-taker, but trust, you can take the lead even when you work for someone else. As someone who now employs other creatives, one of my favorite qualities in my contractors and employees is someone who is willing to come to the table with new ideas and the ability to take on the responsibilities I’ve given them with enthusiasm and then some. When they show me they are boss, I treat them like a boss.
When my contractors and employees show me they are boss, I treat them like a boss. Share on X
If you like learning about the importance of having a day job as a creative entrepreneur, you might also like:
- We chatted about gaining experience from day jobs with Talia Chai on Episode #22: Finding the Confidence to Invest in Your Business with Talia Chai
- Tara Street talked with us about how important her agency experience was to her on Episode #56: Owning Your Creative Expertise with Tara Street