6 Tips to Being a Fit Boss First Thing in the Morning

Rolling up out of the bed to get your sweat on isn’t exactly what most people dream about. But, as a BOSS, your fitness is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Besides, most bosses dive into work so excited that they look up and the day is gone. By the time you are ready to workout, you have been a business owner, mom, wife, friend, housekeeper, employee and ready to get off the job! Last thing you want to do is become a fitness diva.
As a boss, your fitness is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Share on XLet’s talk about morning workouts. I know, I know…bosses need their sleep and the emailing is calling. But, let’s focus on all the goodness that happens when we train our body and brain first thing in the morning.
First, your creative juices will go nuts when you workout. Exercising first thing in the morning creates the space in your head to be at the top of your boss game.
Exercising first thing in the morning creates the space in your head to be at the top of your boss game. Share on XEver notice how people say they have the BEST ideas when they aren’t working? On the trail, in yoga, or while lifting you are likely to get inspired while you get fit.
Besides, how’s a boss going to be creative if she has the thought, “ugh, I have to workout,” all day long? You know that feeling! So, be the boss and show up for your health when you hit the floor.
Now that you know WHY you should workout, how the heck do you get your tail out of bed? Here’s a few tricks I teach my clients over at Phit-N-Phat and I’ll include the two that I have used the last 10 years. I’m a boss like you, lost 100 pounds, and workout most days before some people even roll up out of bed!
1. Sleep in your workout clothes. Most things we wear now to the gym are GREAT PJ’s. The less you have to do in the morning the more likely you are to get up.
2. Set your alarm for when you need to get up. No snooze buttons. It goes off when you have to be up to get things done.
3. Move the alarm far away from the bed. Make sure you have to get up to turn it off.
4. On your way to the alarm TURN ON A LIGHT. Your brain will sense you are waking up when the lights are up.
5. Keep a glass of water next to the bed. Carry it with you to the alarm and drink it as you turn on that light. Hydration also will awaken the body.
6. Brush your teeth. Most of us use mint flavored toothpaste and that’s a natural wake-me-up!
My last tip, which is most important: know that your health is the lifeline of your business. Taking care of your physical body helps you show up for the world you are trying to inspire and help.
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