How I Use Instagram to Manifest Confidence in My Work

As a children’s book writer and editor, I love that when I finish a project I have a colorful book to show for my time and effort. But the work I do can leave me feeling a little invisible. If I do it right, no one knows how much sweat went into creating a magical experience for the reader. And because I work from home, I don’t have officemates to cheer me on and say, “I see you working hard, friend. Well done!” Instead, it’s just me and my text-heavy, abstract days. And if I’m doubting myself, worrying whether I’m doing enough or producing work that’s shiny enough to matter, I know it can be even harder for clients to understand exactly how I take an idea and transform it into a book.
Last year I started using Instagram to share my process, personality, and philosophy with potential clients. It was less work and gave me more visibility than blogging. I was able to connect with publishers, as well as the individual writers, editors, designers, and art directors that work on the books I adore. I got several job leads from posting pictures and captions that help clients visualize what it is I do all day in an easy, intuitive way, and that alone felt like a win. But using Instagram became more than a marketing tool for me, it became a meditative, creative practice. And the results were more than external measures of success like making new contacts or booking clients. What surprised me and kept me going was the internal confidence I got from recognizing my accomplishments, seeing patterns and themes in my work, and visualizing my progress.
Today I use Instagram to show off the kind of work I want to be known for. But I also use it as a way to visualize my writing and editing process—to literally see how I feel about my work and the progress I’m making. I find approaching it this way helps me understand myself better and makes me more patient about the long-term nature of building an audience on Instagram. The same way getting a tarot reading or creating a vision board can help us articulate our desires, thoughts, and feelings, an intentional Instagram feed can help us manifest confidence and envision the lives we want to lead. Paying attention to the visual details we’re already capturing can make our dreams feel more real.
An intentional Instagram feed can help us manifest confidence and envision the lives we want to lead. Share on XLooking at my feed makes me happy, like seeing myself in the mirror after a day at the spa. It’s empowering to see how much I’ve done and how well it aligns with who I want to be. And if I start scrolling through and don’t see the books I want to be known for writing or a glass of champagne celebrating my latest #bossmoment, I pause and think about how I might invite those elements into my life. Just like the real me, my Instagram feed is always evolving and growing. If I’m struggling to create content, I ask myself “What do I know to be true?” and then “What image can I pair with this idea?” Next time you’re on Instagram, try asking yourself these questions to get more intentional and manifest confidence.
- Have I curated my images in a way that reflects my hopes and dreams for my work?
- Does the content of my posts show off my best work?
- Do my captions reflect the voice I use when I’m talking with my closest friends?
- Am I sharing my process, personality, and philosophy consistently?
- Have I included any selfies that capture me looking at ease and confident?
- Do I feel a pang when I look at the feeds of other creative entrepreneurs doing the same work I do? How can I manifest the elements I’m drawn to in my life?
- Are there any aspirational accounts I can unfollow to strengthen my confidence?
- What images make me feel most confident about my work? What do they have in common and how can I add more to my feed?
If you liked this post, be sure to check out:
- Being Boss Episode #79 where we talk about manifesting clients + abundance in your business through the Chalkboard Method
- How Kathleen uses the Chalkboard Method to manifest goals: The Chalkboard Method for Goal Setting
- Using a bullet journal to track and manifest confidence in your work: Prioritize Your Life with a Bullet Journal