The Real Reason You Aren’t Getting Visible

I’ve always been an information gatherer. So when I’m struggling to accomplish something in my business, my gut instinct is to go into research mode—to sign up for more opt-ins, to listen to more podcasts, to scroll through Facebook groups for relevant posts.
And sometimes this approach works.
But when it came time to get visible, it didn’t matter how much I researched or how many business strategies I studied. I couldn’t seem to execute.
I knew that I should be writing guest blog posts, pitching myself for podcast interviews, leading workshops, engaging in Facebook groups, and so much more. I even knew how to do those things thanks to all that research. And yet, I wasn’t taking any action.
That’s when I learned the real reason I wasn’t getting visible: it was my mindset.
Like many creative- and service-based entrepreneurs, I wasn’t sharing my work or my voice because of my fears and limiting beliefs. Turns out, the stories you tell yourself about yourself and your work are pretty big hurdles to overcome. In fact, I’m betting that your mindset holds you back from getting visibility more than a lack of time or strategy ever could.
So in service of you and your desire to get visible, I’m sharing four common thoughts you might be struggling with. And I’m giving you a little bit of evidence for why they might not be true so you can start to overcome them.
I haven’t found my voice.
Let’s be clear: You found your voice back when you started your business—it’s part of the drive you had to be boss in the first place. Yes, your voice might be evolving or need some refining. But you do know what your work is about, and the only way you’ll continue finding your voice is by using it.
I don’t have anything new or original to share.
If you’re worried that someone else is already promoting a product or service or message like yours, your concern is valid. But if you let that hold you back, you’re missing an important point: you haven’t promoted that product or service or message before. And because you have your own style and approach, your work will feel new and original to those who get to see it—if you let them have the chance.
I’m afraid of failing.
We can all agree that failure doesn’t feel good. But letting our fear of failing stop us from getting visible is a failure in its own right. Because what so many people don’t realize is that the place you’re at now bears many similarities to the place you’d be if you tried to get visible and failed. So maybe it’s worth the risk.
I’m worried that other people will think I’m a _____________.
When it comes to getting visible, some entrepreneurs worry others will think they’re a fraud. Some worry about coming off as a smarmy salesman. And others worry that people will think they’re ego-driven or overly self-promotional. Here’s my take: you can’t control what other people think. You can only gain visibility in a way that feels aligned with your vision and your values and then give people permission to react in whatever way they choose.
Everyone faces a unique set of negative thoughts or limiting beliefs like these when it comes to getting visible, but we all have the same choice to make when they come up. We can buy into them and keep hiding, or we can do the work to overcome them.
If you’re ready to do the real work required to get visible, I’m offering you a free guide: From Stuck to Standing Out: 5 Steps to Get Visible With Greater Confidence and More Ease.
If you liked this post, be sure to check out:
- Tara is the queen of helping creatives find their voice through owning their expertise. Listen to: Being Boss Episode #56: Owning Your Creative Expertise with Tara Street
- Does that fear of failing point hit too close to home? Listen to Being Boss Episode #4: How to Be Boss When You’re Afraid of Failing
- Read Jessica Willingham’s post to get the courage to Face Your Fraudy Feelings