Being Boss in 2022

Mindset refreshers, 2022 trends (already?!), and updates to your favorite apps.

A Fresh Start

Welcome to 2022, boss! You made it. We made it. High fives all around.

Now, the question is HOW are you going to start this fresh, new year?

Are you going to hit the ground running? Ease back in? Make shit happen? Or let things come to you?

Whatever you decide, we want it to be an informed decision. This week we’re filling this email with all kinds of info to help you begin this year with whatever kind of bang you desire, even if it’s a quiet one.

And once you’re fully informed, be sure to choose your word of the year (here’s a minisode to guide you), and… if you want to share it with a friend, add it to this post in the community.

Now, on to the links!

Make a Shift

  • #SorryNotSorry for beginning with 2022 horoscopes. You’re welcome. (article)

  • Give your mindset a refresh with these daily reminders. PS – We want you to win. (article)

  • If you’re a New Year’s resolution type, business owners can benefit from adopting one of these five. (video + article)

  • And if your self-care needs some New Year attentionthese resolutions may be good for you. (article)

  • Is this the year you revolutionize your biz? It might require you to do something uncomfortable. (video)

  • Or… maybe it’s time to really quit. No shame, boss – sometimes it’s a necessary step to getting closer to your most aligned vision. (podcast)

A Look Ahead

  • What does 2022 look like? The emerging visual trends are a little trippy, if we’re honest. (article)

  • Retail is getting an overhaul, and we’re into it if it actually is less annoying. (article)

  • This year’s marketing shifts are almost all things we’re totally here for. (article)

  • The U.S. government is doing some things to help small businesses this year, and most benefit boss businesses. (article)

It’s not too late to plan your best year yet, boss.

With CEO Day Kit, you can plan 12 months of your biz in just 1 little day of working ON your business, instead of in it.

So grab onto this beginning-of-the-year energy. Our kit of worksheets and videos will show you the way.

(The best part: you can use this kit over and over and over.)

Now the question is: are you ready to do the work?

Plus! Emily is going live on January 11, 2022 with all CEO Day Kit users to guide you through each step, answer your questions, and hold space for you to show up and do the work. More info coming soon!

App Updates

  • Zoom has achieved security milestones, as if that kept us from doing anything all this time. (article)

  • Asana now has task templates, which is making so many hearts sing. (article)

  • Embed Instagram posts and have them actually look nice… finally. (article)

  • Dabble in Adobe with Creative Cloud Expressinstead of jumping head-first into the entire suite. (article)
What makes a good online course? In this episode, Emily of Being Boss interviews Spencer Fry, the founder of Podia: an online course and digital product sales platform. They discuss current trends of the most successful courses and offer tips for online course creation going into 2022.

Upcoming Events

Want to see all upcoming events and join in? Join the FREE Being Boss Community.

Monday Meet-Up
Monday, January 10 at 2pm ET (every Monday)
Being Boss Community (open to all members)