Do We Really Need to be More Productive?
Do We Really Need to be More Productive
It depends on how you define productivity. Like most things in life, productivity can be subjective. One person’s definition of a fulfilling, kick-ass day at work might look entirely different than your own.
If you’re already crazy busy it might be hard to think about squeezing more out of a day, but, then again, maybe it’s a sign to slow down and take a hard look at what’s siphoning away your time. No one is saying you’re not doing enough, but if you’re feeling like days fly by and your biggest priorities are not getting any love, it’s definitely worth considering how to adjust spending your time.
On the flip side, maybe the concept of energy management is what you need to kick it up a notch. There’s something to be said about saving the toughest projects for when your energy is at its juiciest. And of course, with a fresh season knocking on our door, we should always consider how the seasons impact our flow energy as well (check out our Woo for You section below).
This week’s collection explores all of this and more as we turn our focus to productivity. Take a look and hit reply to tell us if you plan to try out any of these resources.
Tools, Techniques, and Things to Try
Coffee not getting you through the day? Try adding sweat to your routine and watch your productivity improve. (article)
It’s easy to feel a little scattered when you’re working from home. Here’s how to get more done in less time from your casa. (video with Kathleen!)
Delegate or drown. You know this already, bosses! Now it’s time to put it into practice. (article)
Learning about productivity by writing about productivity sounds kinda meta to us, but there are some good nuggets in here. (article)
This week try leaving your phone in your car (or somewhere else outta reach). Sure you might get separation anxiety the first few times but it could help you prioritize what really matters. (article)
Plan your quarter in an hour? Yes! It can be done. (article)
If you’re not a fan of writing long emails, try these three tools to explain yourself faster. (article)
“I need to create some systems for my business,” you’ve said to yourself — for the hundredth time. It’s time to make it do, boss. (article)
If you’re considering Click-up, listen to this podcast for pros and cons before you make the switch. (podcast)
What’s Fresh
FYI Intuit just bought Mailchimp for $12B. Yes, you read that right —> $12 BILLION. Any guesses how this will impact our email marketing productivity? If Mailchimp starts to look anything like Quickbooks, it’s time to jump ship. (article)
That Good Woo for You
Manage Energy Not Time. Yep, we can definitely get behind that idea.
(Instagram post)
Bust out your favorite pen and notebook because we love this take on Seasonal Journaling. (article)
Follow the signs: Take a look at what’s in store for you this month based on your astrological sign. (article)
Heads up: Mercury is in retrograde September 27 – October 18. So keep that in mind as you plan your month ahead.
(Instagram post)
At Being Boss
New Being Boss episode. What’s the difference between your Community, Audience, and Market? Emily breaks it down and puts them in the right places of your business model.
Boss in the wild. If you’re looking for an update on what’s happening at Almanac Supply Co., Emily’s sharing her journey of building a retail experience on the Digital Hive Podcast.
Upcoming events. We’ve got a lot of good stuff up our sleeves.
Workshop: 90 Days of Content Planned in 90 Minutes
Thursday, Sept. 23 at 4pm ET
Being Boss Community (for Clubhouse members only)
Monday Meet-Up
Monday, Sept. 27 at 2pm ET (every Monday)
Being Boss Community (open to all members)
Gathering: Rituals for Business + Creativity
Oct. 6 + 7
Being Boss Community (for Clubhouse members only)
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