Tarot Spread for Taking Action

It is very clear to us here at Being Boss that your spiritual journey is closely tied to your entrepreneurial one. What better tool to help you look at and face your strengths and weaknesses than building a business, amiright?
But we also know that it’s hard to dip into our intuition when there are a dozen paths laid out in front of us. So sometimes we pick up our tarot cards to check in to see what’s up—apart from our website metrics and monthly reports. We enjoy using our tarot cards to dive into personal and business matters alike.
And as bosses, there’s always one query that rests at the forefront of what we want to divine from our own intuition: What action should I take next?
Use this spread to help see past the noise and into what you’re feeling is right, and then take that next step and do. the. work.
Fill out the form below to download the PDF.
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In this episode, the Taking Action Tarot Spread worksheet was mentioned. Download your copy here!
Take Action Tarot Spread
- Me now
- Where I am on my journey.
- What hope is lifting me up?
- What fear is holding me down?
- What mindset should I cultivate?
- What mindset should I release?
- What’s the next action I should take?
This spread was created for our #BeingBossNOLA 2017 vacation zine. To learn more about our boss vacations, sign up to get updates when they come >>