
Lucky #7
Don’t forget to strap in. According to numerology, 2023 is a 7 year, meaning this might just be your luckiest year in recent history. But don’t count on simply being in the right place at the right time. The number 7 is associated with introspection, research, and determination – all driven by a desire to better understand yourself and the world around you.
The 7th card of the Tarot’s major arcana is The Chariot card and it is this year’s universal tarot card. Which means we will all experience aspects of this card in some way or another this year. The Chariot depicts a warrior standing tall in his carriage, surrounded by symbols of power, transformation, magic, and victory. Everything he achieved he did so by being brave and bold. He endured difficulties along the way but eventually triumphed through concerted effort.
So as you continue to dream up your BIG plan for the year and embrace the energy of a fresh start, ask yourself where you can embrace the energy of the number 7 and The Chariot. Hint: This week’s links are a great place to start.
Make Great Strides
- Quiet quitting is out. Quiet thriving is in. One way to be happier in the career or job you already have is to look for new ways to enjoy your work. (article)
- PTO is a must. Have you ever noticed how great you feel coming back to your office after a break? (If not, take a longer one.) Learn how to craft a workplace PTO policy for you and your team with these helpful tips and examples. (article)
- Review the rest of your systems while you’re at it. It’s easy to lose focus on your goals when your plate is overloaded. Systems can help eliminate all that extra busy work. Ask yourself these 6 questions to make sure yours are top-notch! (article)
- Get to know your audience. The best way to know if your business is offering the products or solutions that your customers need is to understand who they are. Do the research to know what they want and how to best connect with them. (article)
- Learn from someone else’s mistakes and successes. There are always lessons to be learned in business. Here are 3 big ones from the rise and fall of some of the biggest companies ever. (article)
You Are Your Greatest Asset
- You’ve got 99 ways to invest in Y-O-U this year. And avoiding self-care isn’t one of them. Find inspiration to help you bet on yourself this year, from your health to your finances, career, and more. (listicle)
- Finding a good book can be hard. Especially when you’re looking for books to help you explore, understand, and work on your mental health. Luckily, this helpful guide of the best mental health books of 2022 exists. (article)
- Doing Dry January? If you’re feeling like giving up, check out these tips to help you stick to it. (article)
- Tame your stress monster. If you’re feeling stressed out, The Chariot is telling you that you to stop avoiding and start dealing with your stress. Click to learn how to identify the causes and some successful strategies for managing your stress levels. (article)
- Get techy with it! Last week, we suggested doing a tech clean up. One tip from us that wasn’t included in the original article – Get rid of your old tech devices including phones, computers, and tablets. Just be sure to wipe them of any sensitive data first.
Don’t Have A 2023 Plan Yeat?
Do you still need to figure out where your business is going in 2023? It’s time to show your business who’s boss and schedule a CEO Day. CEO Day Kit can help you make the most of that day and guide you through creating an actionable plan for the next 6-12 months ahead through the lens of what’s most important to you.
What’s Fresh
- Google added a new letter to its algorithm’s abbreviation. Here’s how the extra “E” for “Experience” will affect the Google search algorithm moving forward. (article)
- Shopify launches its own CSS (Commerce Components by Shopify) to redefine enterprise retail. Watch out WooCommerce. (article)
- Whether you’re pro salary transparency or not, new laws regarding employee pay are going into effect in 2023. If you’re in California, Washington, or Rhode Island, don’t skip this read. (article)
- Southwest Airlines is going to pay the price for the holiday chaos it caused. And that price might be as high as $825 million dollars.
GULP. (article)

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